Hiya! >:3 I'm Reya/Mari, and this is where I post my writing!
This is the safe-for-work version of my writing site/blog. It contains my experiences as a trans woman, a bi lesbian, a software engineer, a Japanese learner, and a survivor of the modern world, as well as any stray thoughts that were difficult or important enough that they needed to be written out to be processed. And it also contains some stories. I have always loved drama, romance, fantasy (particularly modern fantasy), and the occasional horror and sci-fi, so expect to find a lot of that around here!
If you are curious, and you are over 18, and you are comfortable handling whatever (potentially disturbing, potentially adult) content you might find, you can go to the NSFW version of this page, where I also post my fetish writing. Of course, feel free to stay here and look around the safe zone - there's plenty of good stuff here too.
You can send me an email (webmistress.reya@reya.zone) if you want to talk to me. I'm always excited to hear from you! You can also look at my contributions on Github ().
Okay, that's enough. Go read. That is why you're here, right?